How Your Window Coverings Can Lower Your Cooling Costs
Your Huntington Beach area home would be incomplete without window coverings. They help to make your home look its best while also helping your home to enjoy the privacy you should expect from it. But aesthetics and protection are not the only quality that your window coverings can provide.
For instance, another great feature your window coverings can offer is lower utility bills. And you can enjoy this great financial benefit by calling your Huntington Beach window coverings company, The Blind Guy, for our economical line of treatment options.
Our top-rated window-covering products will ensure that your home will look its best and enjoy the best privacy protection while also providing the financial benefits you want. If you’re ready to enjoy the best that your window coverings can offer, then call us for . . .
Solar Screens
Solar screens can be installed either inside or outside of your Huntington Beach home. These window coverings are designed to keep out the flow of excess UV rays, thus limiting the amount of heat present in your home. Thus, your home’s air conditioning unit can run less intensely.
During the hottest months, you could run your air conditioning at full blast for weeks and even months on end. This heavy usage can put a serious dent in your budget. But luckily, with solar screens, you can allow yourself to stay as cool and comfortable while running your A/C less, thus allowing you to save money with your window coverings.
Honeycomb Shades
An influx of warmth entering your Huntington Beach home is not the only reason why you might have to run your air conditioning at full blast. You might also experience an influx of the cool air your A/C produces flooding out of your home. That problem, too, could require your air conditioning unit to work even harder to provide the same cooling.
If your home is letting out a substantial amount of cooled air, then you need to look into honeycomb shades as your window-covering option. Honeycomb shades provide extra insulation for your home, thus allowing it to stay cooler while running the A/C less. So, with honeycomb shades, you can experience that much more money-saving.
You might find yourself somewhat torn between the above-mentioned window-covering options when considering your means of lowering your cooling costs. And if you are, then you might want to consider a third option instead: window shutters.
Thanks to their thick design, shutters will help to keep excess sunlight from filtering into your home and causing its temperature to rise. What’s more, this design will help to further insulate your home, allowing your A/C to run less intensely while providing the cooling you need. So, if you want an all-around great energy-efficient window covering, look to shutters.